Free ski bus

Skibus von Bad Isch/Gosau nach Obertraun

Free transport for all skiers, snowboarders and winter sports enthusiasts with the OÖVV bus line 542/543 from Bad Ischl/Gosau to Obertraun and back again.

The bus stop "Obertraun Dachsteinseilbahn" is located in front of the entrance area of the valley station of the Dachstein Krippenstein cable car in Obertraun.

Arrival via bus to Obertraun

How to get to the Dachstein Krippenstein by bus?
Ski bus 542
  • timetable ski bus 542 from Bad Ischl to "Gosausee" (Lake Gosau) ↓

  • change at station "Hallstatt-Gosaumühle" in ski bus 543 in direction "Obertraun Dachsteinseilbahn Talstation" (cable car valley station) ↓

Ski bus 543
  • back: skibus 543 in direction "Hallstatt-Gosaumühle" ↓

  • change at station "Hallstatt-Gosaumühle" in ski bus 542 from "Gosausee" (Lake Gosau) to Bad Ischl ↓

Bus route planner OÖVV: route planner OÖVV