Dachstein Krippenstein weather forecast

3 days weather forcast

Inform yourself about the current weather ​​at the Dachstein Krippenstein / Obertraun and the weather forecast of the  GeoSphere Austria for the next three days. Or get the lastest weather information on our weather page.


Current Weather data

Get the latest weather data from the Krippenstein peak on our weather website. Best informed:

  • Wind

  • Temperature

  • LIVE web cam (real-time)

  • In Winter: snow depth

Your weather service from Dachstein Krippenstein.

Snow depth
Valley: 0 cm
Mountain: 0 cm

Weather today, 27.07.2024

  • Valley18 °C
  • Mountain15 °C
  • Valley30 °C
  • Mountain18 °C
  • Valley24 °C
  • Mountain17 °C

Weather tomorrow, 28.07.2024

  • Valley20 °C
  • Mountain15 °C
  • Valley23 °C
  • Mountain13 °C
  • Valley20 °C
  • Mountain11 °C

Weather day after tomorrow, 29.07.2024

  • Valley17 °C
  • Mountain10 °C
  • Valley26 °C
  • Mountain14 °C
  • Valley23 °C
  • Mountain12 °C