Snowshoe hiking

On tiptoes at Dachstein Krippenstein

The tranquillity of the Innere Salzkammergut and endless kilometres of pristine white splendour opens out before you: snowshoe hike at Dachstein Krippenstein.

Snow-shoe hiking is probably one of the most relaxing types of winter sports – especially when you head out on a guided tour and can really put your trust in your guide! Just try it yourself on the marked snowshoe trails.

Afterwards snow-shoe hiking on the flat is relatively easy, however going uphill and downhill can provide a challenge; Krippenstein provides the right terrain for every ability level - whether on the marked snowshoe trails or with a guide in the terrain!

Snowshoe trails

Snowshoe tour on three signposted trails

Discover on the three signposted (yellow snowshoe signs on red posts, approx. 30 m apart) and groomed snowshoe trails the charming winter landscape at the Dachstein Krippenstein.

The three signposted and groomed snowshoe and winter hiking trails  

  • Trail No. 1 - Welterbespirale

  • Trail No. 2 -  5fingers

  • Trail No. 3 - Dachstein shark

lead you to the most beautiful and breathtaking viewing points of  the Salzkammergut.



StatusSki slopes
Winterwanderweg Nr. 1: Welterbespirale
Schneeschuhtrail Nr. 2: 5fingers
Schneeschuhtrail Nr. 3: Dachstein-Hai

Discover on tiptoes3 signposted trails

Trail 1

Trail 2: World Heritage spiral

Signposted winter hiking trail

  • Difficulty = EASY

  • Duration: 0,5 hours (there & back)

  • Höhenmeter = 500 m

The easy snowshoe hike takes you along the marked and groomed trail from mountain station Krippenstein via World Heritag spiral to the 5finers

KEEP IN MIND: last cable car ride to the valley at 4:40 pm 

Goomed and marked with posts and yellow signs (labeled ‘5fingers'

Trail 2

Trail 2: 5fingers

Signposted snowshoe trail

  • Difficulty = EASY

  • Duration: approx. 1 hours (there & back)

  • Höhenmeter = 1000 m

The easy snowshoe hike takes you along the marked and groomed trail from mountain station Krippenstein via World Heritag spiral to the 5finers

KEEP IN MIND: last cable car ride to the valley at 4:40 pm 

Goomed and marked with posts and yellow signs (labeled ‘5fingers' )

Trail 3

Trail 3: Dachstein schark

Signposted snowshoe trail

  • Difficulty = EASY to MODERATE

  • Duration: approx. 2.5 hours (there & back)

  • Höhenmeter = 3400 m

The easy to moderate snowshoe hike takes you along the marked and groomed trail from mountain station Krippenstein via Heilbronner Circular Trail to the Dachstein shark.

KEEP IN MIND: last cable car ride to the valley at 4:40 pm 

Goomed and marked with posts and yellow signs (labeled ‘Dachstein-Hai’ (Dachstein shark))

Guides: Contact data
Outdoor Leadership
Laserer Herbert
Martha Riess

Experience an unforgettable day with expert snow-shoe guides and mountain guides!

Please note!Individual snow-shoe tours!
  • This is of course just an excerpt of the tour suggestions and the varied offer in the extensive Dachstein area.

  • Any tour can of course be individually tailored to suit your needs! We recommend you an organized tour with a mountain guide for an individual snowshoe tour! 

  • Information doesn’t replace scrupulous tour planning!!

NOTICE!! Snowshoe hikes without a guide at your own risk!

Safety First!

Note: Safe snowshoeing!

For your safety – please keep in mind: the Krippenstein imposes natural limits – even on snow-shoes you are exposed to the corners and edges, avalanches and sinkholes in the mountains! Inexperienced and those who do not know the area well are definitely advised to join a mountain guide, or a guide who knows the area. In spite of the easy accessibility of the Dachstein plateau by cable cars, please don’t forget that you are in high Alpine terrain.


  • We assume no liability. Each guest is directly responsible for themselves and should be able to assess their own fitness levels.

  • Keep in mind: In the open terrain there are sinkholes (collapses or funnel-shaped hollows in the earth’s surface, which have arisen from stones in the bedrock coming loose or from caves collapsing)!

  • Keep an eye out for a potential change in the weather – signs to look for are wind picking up, fog, and temperature increase.

  • Check out the current situation from the avalanche bulletin, e.g. at 

  • Pay attention to the avalanche warning lights and notice boards. Follow the instructions of the piste patrol and the rescue service.

  • Never rely on tracks already made in the snow! They do not guarantee your safety from avalanches and could take you in a completely wrong direction – or straight into a sinkholes.

  • Save the phone no. for the lift operating company (+43 50 140) and the mountain rescue service (140) to your mobile for emergencies. If you should find yourself in a hollow without reception, take out your SIM card and dial 112.

  • For long distance walks off the trails: Take emergency equipment with you as a matter of course (avalanche transceiver, avalanche probe, shovel, First Aid kit and a mobile)!

And another request – watch out for our snow grouses – they are a protected species and thanks to their discreet behaviour their  typical tracks in the snow provide a fascinating view ...